Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt? With a few laser hair removal treatments under my belt (literally), here’s my honest review!
This post has been sponsored by Milan Laser Hair Removal, where I have also received services in exchange for this post. HOWEVER, all thoughts and opinions are my own… as always.

Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?
Oh it’s the question I’m often asked when sharing on Instagram that I’m paying another visit to Milan Laser Hair Removal.
Short answer?
It can. But does it hurt so much I want to stop having treatments? NO WAY!
Longer answer?
When I went for my free consultation, the sweet gals told me that it will feel like someone snapping a small rubber band on the skin.
And you know what? They were right. However, as the treatments progress, the pain CAN get a little more intense than the first time.
But is it unbearable? No.
Some areas tend to be a little more sensitive and what’s really nice is that if it gets to be a little too intense for you, you can let them know and they can slow down, which really helps! Also, you can take a pain reliever an hour before treatment to help with any pain that you may worry about experiencing! (I’m going to start doing this, now that I’m a few treatments in.)
Keep reading to find out how you (yes, YOU!) can get 60% off of your own laser hair removal services, just for being a Fantabulosity reader!

Do Some Areas Hurt More than Others?
So you may be curious what areas I’m having treated and if certain areas hurt more than others.
I’m having my lower legs, underarms and Brazilian area treated.
Do some hurt worse than others? Yes. I don’t feel any pain in the underarm area. The lower legs have a little sting every once in a while. The Brazilian… that’s the one that gets to me the most. Some areas “down there” are perfectly fine. No pain at all. Then there are a couple of areas that make me tense up for about .00000001 seconds and then the “sting” goes away.
Don’t Let it Stop You
Like with anything, I think it can really help if you go in with a good mindset!
If you go in for treatment thinking,
“This is going to hurt. This is going to be the worst pain ever.”
– said someone who thinks the worst
…but rather, think along the same lines that I do, thinking,
“Hey… I’ve had two babies. One without an epidural. I’ve got this! It’s worth it!”
– says me.
…then you’re going to be just fine. Millions of women have had this done, and if they can do it, then that must mean I can do it.
Plus, the thought of never having to shave again, makes me SWOON and if that means feeling a rubber band sting for a few seconds… then I’m 100% on board.
Moral of the Story
Please do not let the fear of “pain” hold you back from having laser hair removal done.
The results I have received from this already is BEYOND mind-boggling and I’m ecstatic!
“How Many Sessions are Needed”
If you’re curious about how many sessions are needed to see results…
I REALLY recommend that you read my very first blog post about my first visit to Milan Laser Hair Removal where I cover that exact question and share other items you may be wondering about!
So if you’ve heard or have been to other laser hair removal companies, you may be familiar with the “packages” that some offer. For instance, you buy per session or say, buy a package of three treatments at a time.
Well, not with Milan.
With Milan, you pay one price for the body area that you want, and it’s an unlimited, lifetime guarantee on that body area.
So what if, a few years from now, your body goes through some changes (hormones, etc.) and you notice one little hair grow back where you had a treatment?
You can call Milan, let them know and they’ll be glad to bring you back in, (at any location) at NO additional charge, and treat the area again! (Opposed to other companies where you may pay for 3 treatments in one area, and have to pay AGAIN and again to be treated.)
Friends, I don’t know HOW this is possible, and I honestly didn’t expect this kind of discount for you when I first started talking to them, but you may want to take advantage NOW in case they change their mind! Haha!
Milan has offered to give you 60% off of your laser hair removal service, for any body area of your choice…. at any Milan Laser Hair Removal location (The ONLY thing you can’t apply the 60% off to is a Full Body package).
So when you call to schedule your consultation, just make sure to give them the code: FANTABULOSITY60 so they know to put it in the system for you! COUPON CODE: FANTABULOSITY60
Good luck ladies! You’ve got this… and when you go, send me a DM on Instagram and let me know what you think! I’d love to hear from you!
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