How to Remove Peach Fuzz: Using a face deffuzer I had to see for myself if this thing would remove peach fuzz and now you can too!
How to Remove Peach Fuzz
It really took me a while to get the guts to try this face defuzzer out.

I had a friend gift one to me at a recent favorite things party and I was a bit nervous to try it, even though she was VERY convincing when telling me why it was her favorite.
Will I Regret Doing It?
Why was I nervous? Well, I was afraid if I did it once, I’d have to keep doing it because it would grow back dark or grow in thicker.
But after asking around in the Creating Your Happy Facebook group, so many of you said that you use something similar too and swear by it!
It was just the push that I needed to give it a try.
So in true Fantabulosity fashion, I propped up the camera and filmed my first try so you could see exactly what it was like and hopefully it will help you decide if you want to try it too!
VIDEO: Using the Face Defuzzer
In Case You Can’t Watch Right Now
I know what it’s like to be somewhere and you just want to know what happened, but you can’t hear or watch the video right this second.
So I thought I’d recap what happened in the video, in case it helps.
- How to use the face defuzzer: In a downward motion, gently slide the blade down your face.
- Dry or Wet? My friend wets her face when she uses the tool or she gets little scratches and lines. However, the Revlon packaging says to use on dry, clean skin. So defuzzers may vary.
- Do I like the face defuzzer? I do!
- Does it remove peach fuzz? Oh yes, and it’s gross. But kind of nice to see what all is coming off of my face.

- Is my face smoother? To be honest, I didn’t really feel THAT much of a difference, but I’ve heard so many people say that they can tell it helps with exfoliating and removing dead skin as well as peach fuzz. But to see all of the peach fuzz come off, I’m now a fan.
- Did I get a 5 o’clock shadow? Not yet at least. 🙂
Revlon Face Defuzzer Tool
So what do you think? Is the Revlon Face Defuzzer something you’ll try too? Do you already use something like this? Tell me all the things. I’m curious to know if I’ve been hiding under a rock and this thing should have been in my makeup bag for years now.
Where to Buy a Face Defuzzer
I found the Revlon Face Defuzzers on Amazon HERE, but they can be found at Walmart or Target too!

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