Gift Idea for Him: “I think you’re red Hot” Gift Basket Ideas. Always needing a gift idea for my husband, I decided a toolbox full of a lot of his favorite things (in red) would be the perfect gift!

Gift Idea for Him
It’s the struggle that a lot of women experience once a year…
Valentine’s Day gift ideas for him
Right? Can I get an amen? Heck, Valentine’s Day isn’t the only holiday that I struggle with gift ideas for my husband. It’s ANY gift ideas for my husband. The man has everything he could possibly want. He’s one of those, “He wants it, so he just goes and buys it,” kind of guys. Do you have one of those?
I admire his will to just make it happen, but that sure makes it difficult come gift-giving time.
More Ideas for Him, You’ll Love:
So if you’ve found yourself struggling for a gift idea for your boyfriend, husband, or anyone that you think is well… “Red Hot,” then you may like this gift basket idea that I’ve created this year.
“I think You’re Red Hot” Gift Basket Tool Box

Tool Box Gift Tutorial:
• Container: It all began with finding something to put all of the goodies in. For the other gift ideas I’ve created, I’ve either used a simple basket or box to arrange them in. But this time, I wanted to be a little more creative, and package it all up in to something that he could re-use again. Because let’s face it, my husband would NOT be excited about a cutesy little box or wire basket from Target, like I would. 😉 So a toolbox it is! They had the cheaper plastic toolboxes, but I fell in love when I saw this metal, stylish toolbox instead. (Because it’s always about “style,” right?)

• Contents: Then, it was time to start trying to find all of the red things at the store that my husband loves. This was not as hard as you’d expect. Really! It was actually kind of fun, and a challenge. I’m a challenge junkie.
Yeah, don’t look too close mom. Some of these may make you blush. Sorry ’bout that.

You use what??? Awesome.
Want to hear one of my favorite gift-hacks? Well, I DESPISE tissue paper. Do I use it? You bet. But when I’m making a gift basket, it kind of makes me want to throw up in my mouth a little bit. Why? Because I have the hardest time trying to tame the lion of the tissue paper, to make it look “good.” It always looks like my toddler crinkled it up and stuffed it in.
Rather, I like to buy those little pieces of fabric at Walmart or the craft store, that are super affordable. I believe they’re made for quilting??? Anyhow, they’re made for gift basket stuffing in my house. The edges ARE frayed, so that kind of stinks, and puts off a ragged look. But I’ll usually try to get creative and tuck the ends under if I’m able.
If not, fabric glue may be a good option to fold the ends under to have a cleaner look.

I’m not going to lie. I peed my pants a little bit when we (My right-hand gal Kate and I) saw this wine at Target. How perfect is this for this mens gift idea?

Red Gift Basket Ideas:
Ok, so here’s what I put in my husband’s toolbox gift basket. Feel free to take away/add anything to yours of course. I found all of this at Target! This may just give you a jumpstart of some ideas…
- Tools
- Wine
- Beer
- Cola
- Chocolate Cigars
- Hershey’s Kisses
- Jerky
- Nuts (These didn’t fit, so I ended up keeping those myself.)
- Sunflower Seeds (Neither did these. So I ate them. I wish the wine wouldn’t have fit.)
- Chocolates
- Body Wash
- Mints
- Massage Oil (Sorry mom. I know, that’s gross. But hey, it was red so I had to get it.)
- 5-Hour Energy (You know, for later.)
- Candle (You know, for later. Again.)

Gift Tag:
So I have this fancy-schmancy Silhouette Cameo machine that could have made the cutest gift tag I’m sure. But let’s face it. I’m a mom, I’m busy. So my husband got a hand-written gift tag and a stamp of some lips. He wouldn’t care if I spent hours designing a gift tag anyway. Magic marker and a stamp it is.
Tie it on with a ribbon (I tied it to the clamp of the toolbox.)

More Valentine’s Day Ideas

That’s it! How fun is this?
Now if red isn’t your color, and you’d be more in to a “sunshine basket,” then you may want to head over and see how I styled that one, and gave it to a couple of our friends.

Thanks so much for coming by!!
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